
Showing posts from December, 2014

Happy Holidays!

Good evening!  I have had a busy fall, with no time to update at all! I just completed my student teaching in English as a Second Language last week.  Pretty soon, I will hopefully get my teacher certification for my state and a my first full-time job! With the holidays coming, my mom asked me what I was getting my dad for Christmas.  Well, I didn't get anyone anything.  That had to change.  So I dug around in my stash for some yarn to make a Christmas pudding ornament for my dad.  Then, a TARDIS ornament was added.  Then, I added a weeping angel and Dalek to the mix.  My sister made me add a mince pie to the collection.  So, the British Ornament set was born.  My dad is English, so it works. I added the mince pie ornament to the blog.  Please enjoy and have a happy holiday (if you celebrate one). This is a pattern for my Mince Pie Ornament.  It uses US crochet terms.  Enjoy!     Items needed: 3.25 mm (D) hook [I LOVE my Clover Amour Crochet hooks] pastry-colored